
Jackson’s estate pays mother $86,000 a month

Michael Jackson’s estate is paying his mother more than $86,000 each month to cover her living expenses and those of the pop icon’s three children, according to papers filed Thursday in probate court.

The singer supported his mother, Katherine, 79, during his life and left her and his children the majority of his vast music empire in a 2002 will.

Since it could take years to settle Jackson’s affairs and fund the family trust that will support her and the children, estate administrators received court approval to pay Katherine Jackson a personal allowance and an extra amount for the support of the children. Jackson’s estate is estimated to be worth more than $500 million, according to court papers.


Katherine Jackson will receive $26,804 a month and control an additional $60,000 for food, clothing, education and entertainment for her son’s children, according to the Superior Court documents and attorneys’ comments in recent court hearings.

The estate began paying the allowances last month, retroactive to the singer’s death June 25.

In his will, Jackson named his mother guardian of his sons, Prince Michael Jr., 12, and Prince Michael II, 7, and his daughter, Paris Michael Katherine, 11.


The children live with her and other relatives at Hayvenhurst, the family home in Encino.

The allowances do not include housing expenses because Jackson owned the Encino residence and the estate is separately paying the mortgage, gardeners, insurance and taxes associated with the property.

The allowances also are separate from a life insurance policy that named Katherine Jackson and the children as beneficiaries, according to the court papers.

The amount paid by the policy was blacked out in the papers by order of Judge Mitchell Beckloff, who also granted requests by an attorney for the children to redact their specific living expenses to protect their privacy.


According to a budget for Katherine Jackson attached to the filing, the family matriarch’s monthly expenses include salaries for an assistant, a housekeeper and a driver, as well as $3,500 for clothing and $1,000 for grooming.

Jackson’s father and siblings are not mentioned in the court papers, and the administrators’ lawyers wrote that “no individuals other than the minor children and Mrs. Jackson are entitled to a family allowance in this estate.”


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