
‘I do’ like this story

Re “A wedding with a different ring to it,” Sept. 13

This story was very touching. It took us back to our wedding day about 10 years ago.

We too were married in a hospital room, in the small town of Madera, outside of Fresno.

Ours had a bit of a different tone -- because of the fact I was in very early labor. But I was determined to be married before the baby arrived.

It was nice to have made the front and back pages of the local newspaper, with our story and the birth announcement.

Thank you for the trip down memory lane. It is a very special thing when a hospital goes to such lengths for patients and their families.


Seneka and Joe Landers

Redondo Beach

I just came home from my sister’s wedding and happened to read your article about the hospital wedding.

I wanted to commend you for covering such a great story; it almost made me cry.

I am happy to see that there are good, compassionate people in the world such as those described in your story. Keep doing great stories like this one.

Robert Karsian



Thanks for such a wonderful report. While we all are worrying about jobs, stock prices and the world economy, there are some people looking first at their loved ones, wishing them to be well.


Lek Thanavatik

Sherman Oaks
