
Who really ‘messed up’?

Re “ ‘Freeze! Put your hands up!’ Oh sorry,” Opinion, Sept. 9

I was attracted to the Op-Ed; it was a catchy title to be sure.

Michael Krikorian’s experience was unfortunate, although not uncommon. As a Los Angeles police officer for 35 years, I saw countless incidents in which the officers were provided inaccurate information by a caring, concerned and obviously frightened citizen.

Krikorian had a chance to gain insight from this and pass it along to the citizens of Los Angeles.

He could have focused on a firsthand look at professional police tactics in action -- no hint of excessive force, cursing or abuse. He could have told of the professional explanation he was offered by an officer, who did not simply walk away.


He could have told, based on his personal experience, how the police respond quickly to calls believing that a citizen is in peril.

But he elected not to do this and jumped on the “it’s always the fault of the police” bandwagon, then added comments about his “black friends ... harassed ... for doing nothing wrong.”

Shame on you, Mr. Krikorian. Clearly you were the one who “messed up.”

Richard Mossler

Los Angeles


Regarding the Krikorian Op-Ed article, it seems he’s the one who should be saying he’s sorry. The LAPD responds to the address of a possible break-in, given by a woman who in her “panic” transposed the last two numbers of the address. The police go to the address and handle the call professionally. When it is learned that the address was given to them incorrectly, they explain and apologize. Krikorian is asked: “You understand what happened and why it happened, right?” His response: “Yeah, sure. You all messed up.”


His mistake was intentional and even bigger than the caller in panic.

Dave Valentine

Sherman Oaks


I read the Op-Ed article about the police responding to Krikorian’s girlfriend’s home regarding a possible prowler, and how he reacted to the police commands, which were appropriate and necessary -- but then Krikorian throws in the “race” card. Now I’m angry he wasted a “teaching moment” on how to respond to the police. He sullied his article when he tried to compare his reactions with someone in Nickerson Gardens. The police were not mistaken; they responded to the address given, and when the correction came, they moved on.

Ronald Moya Sr.

La Verne


I sympathize with Krikorian’s ordeal, and certainly it must have been terrifying for a teenager (his friend’s son) to have to witness.

I do have a bone to pick, though, albeit just a small one: Was it really necessary to gratuitously disparage the personal appearance of the “pump-shotgun-wielding” police officer when the woman was simply there, on the scene, doing her (potentially very dangerous) job?


Granted, Krikorian’s breezy, and at times sardonic, tone works well throughout, but this jab seems to me not only irrelevant but unnecessarily harsh.

Nancy Babka

Los Angeles
