
Warming up to the evidence

Re “Maybe it’s the sunspots,” Opinion, Sept. 1

It’s possible, of course, to prove just about any belief if one carefully cherry-picks the evidence and one’s experts.

But what if, while we’re awaiting perfect evidence that humans are the principal cause of the current warming trend, we pass the tipping point and begin the irreversible slide toward a Venusian climate?

The money we will have saved won’t be much help.

Carroll Slemaker

Mission Viejo


Kudos to Jonah Goldberg for having the courage to question the media and politicians on “global warming” -- or now, “climate change” because the Earth is not getting warmer.


I would observe that we have had a number of ice ages followed by global warming that did not involve a single SUV.

I agree with Goldberg that we should better understand the “problem” before we try to solve it.

Jack Gordon



Goldberg’s article on weather versus climate is a lesson in humility.

Global warming is a phenomenon derived from extensive scientific analysis. No logical mind can fail to consider the effect of man-made pollution on planetary warming, nor can it stop collecting data.


I question the motive of anyone who claims to have all the answers.

Tony Stout



I say, let’s take the overwhelming evidence gathered by scientists over many years that human activity (sunspots or no sunspots) has been contributing to global warming and wager the billions needed to address the problem.

Better to spend billions now on cleaner energy, regardless of the cause or causes of global warming, than to risk studying “a bit more.” Better to be wrong than too late.

Gary Nagy



Taking advice from Goldberg on climate change is like consulting an auto mechanic for low back pain.


Here’s what matters: The overwhelming worldwide consensus of climate scientists is that climate change is real and its acceleration is caused by human activity.

I’ll think otherwise when that consensus shifts.

Jeff Goodwin

Los Angeles


The degree to which the existence of this problem and the need for specific actions have been established is much greater than is the case for many other problems for which we have undertaken expensive and risky responses.

One hundred percent certainty is nice, but its absence didn’t keep us from fighting Hitler or spending a trillion or so to keep the global economy from going over the cliff in the last year.

Frank Grober

Carmichael, Calif.


Goldberg proves once again that he never lets a lack of understanding stop him from criticizing something he knows nothing about.

Todd Groves

Santa Monica
