

A white supremacist who killed a Filipino American postal worker and wounded five people at a Jewish community center during a 1999 shooting rampage wrote in a letter that he has renounced his views, a Los Angeles newspaper reported Sunday.

The Daily News reported that Buford O. Furrow Jr., serving a life sentence in a federal penitentiary in Terre Haute, Ind., sent a letter to reporter Kevin Modesti, who had requested an interview. The letter also stated remorse for the pain Furrow had caused.

“Those people I hurt, and the man I killed that day in 1999 will probably never forgive me,” Furrow, 47, wrote, “but I am truely sorry and deeply regret the pain I caused. My mind was filled with sickness, and unfortunately I acted on it.”


On Aug. 10, 1999, Furrow fatally shot Joseph Ileto, 39, a postal worker on duty in Chatsworth, an hour after opening fire in Granada Hills’ North Valley Jewish Community Center and wounding four children and a 68-year-old woman.

Furrow pleaded guilty to charges in 2001 to avoid the death penalty. He was sent to prison for life without parole.

-- Corina Knoll
