
Fiorina’s resume speaks volumes

Re: Michael Hiltzik’s column “Is Fiorina’s business resume a good foundation for Senate bid?” Aug. 27:

To Hiltzik’s question of whether Carly Fiorina’s business resume is a good foundation for taking Barbara Boxer’s (D-Calif.) Senate seat, my answer is a strong no.

In 2004, when the media and others questioned her move to ship Hewlett-Packard jobs overseas, she said that Americans do not have a God-given right to a job.


Fiorina’s contempt for American workers indicates she’s not the person for this job.

Kim Monson

San Pedro


It seems the column missed a few facts about Carly Fiorina’s tenure at HP. Fact: During her nearly six-year tenure, HP’s revenues doubled from $44 billion to $88 billion. Fact: HP’s stock price outperformed the technology index of peer companies. Fact: When she departed in 2005, HP was recognized as one of the world’s most innovative companies and was on its way to being the first $100-billion tech company.

Sounds like she did a pretty good job to me!

Boris Feldman

Palo Alto
