

Times Wire Reports

Two British teenagers meticulously plotted “the greatest massacre ever,” inspired by the Columbine killings in the U.S., a prosecutor said at their trial.

The two wrote up detailed plans in their plot to bomb a shopping center before killing their teachers and fellow students on the 10th anniversary of the April 1999 massacre in Colorado, the prosecutor said.

“We will walk into school and at the end of it no one will walk out alive,” 16-year-old Ross McKnight wrote in his diary, prosecutors said. It would, he wrote, be the “greatest massacre ever.” The defense denies the charges but has not yet argued its case.


The jury also was told that a safe in 18-year-old Matthew Swift’s bedroom held plans of the school and instructions on using acetone peroxide as a detonator. The safe also contained a notebook with an image of the two Columbine attackers.
