
Entering ‘Zombieland’

Why should vampires have all the fun? Bloodsuckers may be all the rage, but soon zombies will make a play for equal time. In “Zombieland,” a quirky band of plague survivors tries to destroy the walking dead in inventive ways (think banjo to the brains). Directed by Ruben Fleischer, the film stars Woody Harrelson as zombie basher Tallahassee, with Jessie Eisenberg, Emma Stone, Amber Heard and Abigail Breslin along for the fun. Veteran photographer David Strick was on location at Hollywood Boulevard, where even the celebrity impersonators weren’t safe. The street was closed to traffic at 3 a.m. so the art department could transform it into a post-apocalyptic zombie zone. The film hits theaters Oct. 2. For more “Zombieland” and other Hollywood Backlot shoots, go to

-- Jevon Phillips
