

Re “Moving here because they can,” Aug. 31, and “Realigning a fractured life,” Aug. 30

So police are “beating themselves up” for missing obvious clues and not searching a backyard for 18 years?

Good. Maybe next time when looking for a missing girl, they’ll decide it’s not such a waste of time to search the property of a religious fanatic and convicted rapist and kidnapper -- especially after receiving tips that two young girls are living in his yard.

John Travers



This story, in varying forms, happens so many times to both boys and girls, yet our society refuses to admit that sex has a profound effect on the psyche and that a civil person living in a civil society must attempt its control. Given the facts presented, why is uncontrolled sex glamorized 24/7 on our TV screens while its myriad negative effects are ignored?


Frank Gardiner

Provo, Utah


The fact that people failed to uphold their most basic public duties most disturbs me. Neighbors need to be aware of each other. Parole and police officers need to take their duty of care to protect us very seriously. Why are we paying so much of our taxes to support a system that is so ineffective?

I don’t want to detract from the excellent work of the UC Berkeley police officer, but had Phillip Garrido not brought his daughters along to the meeting, the ordeal might have continued.

How many other Jaycee Lee Dugards are trapped in our neighbors’ backyards? My children will not be leaving my side for a very long time.


Andrew Mitchell


We all know that recovery can be hard enough, but in this article the experts are discouraging any possible hope at all. They weigh in on Dugard’s future using the stories of other victims who are now suffering from depression, PTSD and anxiety. I can’t begin to relate, but I know that if I read something like this after being held captive, I would certainly lose any hope of being normal again.

Maybe we need to be reminded of positive instances rather than the negative ones.

Jessica Araujo



So what happens next in our judicial system? We will likely spend millions of dollars conducting psychiatric evaluations of Garrido. My guess is he and his wife will be fed, cared for and clothed by California taxpayers for the next three or four years until his case comes to trial. He may then be given concurrent life sentences, and we would continue to provide room and board for another 20 years.

If ever there was a case for immediate capital punishment, this is it.

Martyn Travers

Long Beach
