


The Jazz Bakery: We desperately hope that this isn’t a “don’t know what you got till it’s gone” situation and that this intimate, reverent little music hall finds a new home -- soon. It’s not a terribly good time for music, but here’s to this room beating the odds and coming back better than ever before. May the Bakery rise again.

Vincent on ‘Lost’: Even after mulling it a while, we’re still baffled about what’s going on with those time-traveling castaways. (Though we’re thankful Walt’s chubby yellow lab -- played by Madison, according to -- made another appearance.) Whatever lies ahead, we hope the series doesn’t wrap up without one trademark flashback from Vincent.



BBC America’s ‘Top Gear’: After seeing a few episodes of the popular show hosted by chattering gearheads Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May, we’re a bit overwhelmed by the testosterone. Yes, there was a Helen Mirren guest spot a while back, but with the program’s live audience, it’s sort of like “The Man Show” dipped in 30-weight.


Hipsters hating hipsters: Scratch almost every scruffy-bearded Echo Park guitarist in an American Apparel T-shirt and you’ll find someone bemoaning all those sheep smoking Parliament cigarettes and wearing vintage Ray-Bans at his local vegan diner. Enough. If you’re living in a hip neighborhood, you’re probably a hipster. And honestly, it’s OK.
