
Frankly, fans aren’t that thrilled

So Frank McCourt thinks that Manny Ramirez should be on the All-Star team? Is he also in favor of awarding Ben Johnson the gold medal? Inducting Tonya Harding into the ice skating hall of fame? How about giving Rosie Ruiz the key to the city of Boston? It’s no wonder these guys cheat when the people who employ them say things like, “I don’t have the expertise nor have I seen any of the test results, so I’m not in the position myself to address any of it.” Guess that explains how I knew that Mark McGwire and Jose Canseco were on steroids but their poor manager, Tony La Russa, did not.

Hey, Frank, if you’re going to let them cheat, at least let them all cheat.

Jim Moorman, Covina


I would have so much more respect for Frank McCourt if he could just set aside his petty greed in the name of not only the game of baseball but sportsmanship in general. Before him lies an opportunity to deal with a problem that has haunted baseball for over a decade. And yet, he takes the low road, suggesting that Manny be allowed to play in the All-Star game, that he not be required to reveal the exact nature of his drug use. Instead of seizing the opportunity to solve the problem, Mr. McCourt has just become the problem.

Good luck with the legacy, Frank.

Scott Barry

West Hollywood


I think Frank McCourt is off by a mere punctuation mark in his support of Manny to play in the game in St. Louis on July 14. I think he means that Ramirez should be allowed to play in baseball’s “All-**** game,” not the All-Star game (**** indicates steroid use). He’ll fit right in!


(**** Side effects can include loss of fan base, salary and dignity. Check with your conscience about these cost/benefit issues before taking such products.)

David Pepper



I wonder if the Dodgers have figured out that Manny Ramirez was their magic feather. Like in the movie “Dumbo,” where the elephant thought he couldn’t fly without his feather, the Dodgers thought they couldn’t win without Manny. Now that they know they can, will they still want their magic feather when it comes back in July?

Raul Perez



Belisario, Milton, Wade, Leach, Troncoso. Who are they? No clue? They make up the bulk of the Dodgers’ pitching staff. No lie. They should be called the Who Crew.


Rick Lantz

San Diego


In all fairness, shouldn’t the Dodgers have to forfeit all their games that Manny participated in? Just like USC did with Reggie Bush in football?

Oh, never mind.

Rich Rhea

Mar Vista
