

Re: “Read This Over Coffee” [May 18]: Nowadays we seldom hear about any topics in a positive light, given the fact that anything that could go wrong -- with most everything -- in fact has. Among the most notable are the global credit crunch, which has so many negative offshoots that the list is too long to mention, and the ongoing Mideast wars. So when something positive comes along, we should celebrate the news. Such news entails recent studies on, believe it or not, our cherished cup of coffee. Judy Foreman’s article pointed out some new coffee items, such as its protection against diabetes, liver cancer, cirrhosis and Parkinson’s disease.

Although these aren’t earth-shaking findings, and certainly not in the same category as finding a cure for cancer, something small in a positive light enhances the taste of my morning cup of coffee.

Bill Spitalnick

Newport Beach
