
Pack your bags and be ready to fly away seduces your inner accountant with travel deals that are ready to be taken advantage of this weekend.

What’s hot: typing in your departure airport and getting a bucket-load of travel deals that are good right away or three months from now. If you want to plan a cheap vacation for August, Voyij lets you, but it also tempts you with every opportunity to get out of town on the cheap as soon as possible. The deals are broken down into airfare, hotel and vacation. Need some inspiration? You can scroll to the bottom of the home page and look for deals by theme, such as golf or gambling. I like that when you click on a search result, it gives you the weather forecast and Yelp reviews too. It’s as if Voyij knows you’ve already got your credit card out and are packing your bags while the next page loads.

What’s not: It’s hard for me to trust luxury hotel sales for less than $50. When I searched “luxury” experiences from Voyij’s photo bar in the middle of the home page, it returned hotel deals starting at $10. I clicked on a link for next week and found a $10-per-night hotel room at a two-star hotel (Voyij’s rating) in Laughlin, Nev. That has no business being in a luxury category, where I would expect true four- to five-star hotels and resorts. If nuances like this bug you, just change your sort preference to “price” (high to low). Before you get antsy about all the things that are missing, note that this website is new and lists upcoming features such as customized deal tracking e-mails and a personalized deals map.


-- Jen Leo
