
Cheney: his fans and foes

Re “Two for the road,” editorial, May 15

The editorial suggests that Dick Cheney and Fidel Castro should spend more time with their families. I think their families are thrilled they’re so busy.

What makes you think they like them any more than the rest of us do?

Margaret Mackel



The Times is irked that Cheney has the guts to give President Obama a bit of the criticism he so urgently deserves, so it ludicrously links Cheney with Fidel Castro as a pair who should step aside and shut up.

Cheney despises Castro and all dictators, while Obama has been cozying up to Castro and every other dictator within reach of Air Force One since he took office. A more appropriate partner for Castro would be Jimmy Carter, who has been out of office for decades but never shuts his mouth. Cheney has been out for only three months and has had to listen to Obama’s “Bush-Cheney” propaganda that whole time.


Charles K. Sergis

Redondo Beach


It is well known that bullies are afraid of being beaten up. Cheney exhibits the same kind of braggadocio as he advocates torturing people under U.S. custody who are bound, gagged and hooded.

We’ve heard from experienced CIA agents that torture doesn’t provide actionable intelligence; it only elicits what the torturer wants to hear. We’ve heard from political scientists that torture helps terrorists recruit new terrorists. We’ve heard from clergy that torture blemishes our country’s moral character.

Yet Cheney and his followers continue to advocate torture, claiming the security of the county depends on it.


Bruce Joffe



I object to your lumping Cheney together with Castro. I’m sure it was meant as some sort of a put-down of Cheney. As I recall, you have never had an editorial advising Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton to step aside and stop finding fault with the administration of George W. Bush.

Cheney is a patriotic American who has devoted his adult life to his country. Further proof of how flagrantly partisan The Times is.

Virginia Taylor

Woodland Hills
