
Dear Patrick, Stop already

Re “Apatow’s Film Going a Long Way for Laughs,” by Patrick Goldstein, May 11: Dear Patrick, As a longtime reader and loyal fan, I was dismayed to see your latest column begin with the words, “Dear Judd.”

While I didn’t read the rest of the column, you had me (turning the page) at “Dear Judd.” I feel compelled to give you some advice. “Dear Filmmaker” columns don’t work. They almost always come off as pretentious and self-serving. And as a reader, it raises a question: If you’re so concerned the running time of a movie (that you haven’t seen) is too long and therefore destined to fail, why not pick up the phone? Or write a loyal fan letter?

I know you’re really good at this stuff, and it’s probably laughable for a screenwriter to be lecturing you about giving notes on a movie you’ve never seen, but sometimes it helps to have an outside opinion.


Larry Levin

Santa Monica
