
Scenes from the ‘American Idol’ Season 8 finale

The black color of Eber Lambert’s fingernails described the mood for much of America’s music critics and some of its more ardent rock fans. Although the elder Lambert meant it as a gesture of solidarity with his eyeliner-wearing son Adam -- who lost his bid to be crowned the next American Idol to mellow underdog Kris Allen -- instead it became a commentary for Lambert-lovers.

Though clearly disappointed by the results, the Lamberts showered the Allen family with congratulations and best wishes, and perhaps realized that the Adam phenomenon, now ignited, would continue to burn. The goodwill was more than returned backstage after the show when Allen gave his onetime competitor several bear hugs before a gantlet of press.

The moments were just a few of the scenes that played out inside and around the Nokia Theatre at L.A. Live during the signature event on the nation’s most popular television show. Here are some more:


Cut away

In the midst of the Black Eyed Peas’ performance of “Boom Boom Pow,” television screens during the live broadcast suddenly switched to the Idol logo for a few seconds. It occurred at the precise moment in the song which called for an expletive. But Fox officials denied they were behind the move -- rather it was done at the request of one of the band’s singers,

Through the smoke

As the show barreled toward its grand revelation, the atmosphere literally grew thick with tension -- and smoke, thanks to the night’s pyrotechnic-laden performances. By the end of “We Are the Champions,” in which the top 13 were accompanied by the surviving members of Queen, the entire room had reached a fever pitch, and with the show already running over, the crowd was straining at the bit to hear the name of the next American Idol.

Although the room for much of the night seemed heavily tilted toward Lambert partisans, when the announcement was made a combination of shock and glee erupted from many of the teenage girls, who lit up the room with an explosion of high fives, squeals and wet handkerchiefs.


A quiet moment

The one thing that hushed the crowd -- other than the moment before the victor was crowned -- was the performance of Michael Sarver, Megan Joy and Steve Martin with a banjo. Joy’s cacophonous warbling sent the room into total shocked silence for the entirety of the number.

A KISS for Lambert

After the show, KISS members discussed their upcoming national tour and where they got their shoes (Payless). The self-described “all-American band” explained they are “the American dream come true” and their performance with Lambert was a good fit because “we’re pretty theatrical ourselves.” When asked to show his legendary long tongue, rocker Gene Simmons replied: “I can’t, the floor is dirty.”

Kind words

After the show, Lambert offered nothing but praise for the new American Idol, his onetime roommate.


“I think Kris won because he’s a great artist,” he said. “[Kris and I] are so seemingly different but we found a common bond, not just through music, but through talking. Our goal [tonight] was to bring you guys together, not separate you.”

Advice from Mraz

After performing his hit song “I’m Yours” alongside the top 13 contestants, singer-songwriter Jason Mraz had one big piece of advice for tonight’s winner: “Remember it’s your responsibility to be inspiring to people. Even if [voters] didn’t like the way that you were doing it, people want to see the best outcome possible.”


Kate Stanhope and Leslie Wiggins contributed to this report.

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