
QUICK TAKES - May 19, 2009

Associated Press

The Supreme Court has rejected an appeal by a son of author John Steinbeck over the publishing rights to “The Grapes of Wrath” and other early works.

The court said Monday that it won’t disturb a ruling by the federal appeals court in New York that the rights belong to Penguin Group Inc., and the heirs of John Steinbeck’s widow, Elaine. Author John Steinbeck died in 1968; his wife in 2003. The heirs include her sister, four children and grandchildren.

The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said a lower court judge misapplied copyright law in awarding the rights in 2006 to the son, Thomas Steinbeck, and granddaughter Blake Smyle. Both already receive a portion of the proceeds of sales.
