
Keeping an eye on Che Guevara

Join the revolution! Participate in and make an adventure out of your next outing.

What’s hot: CheSpotting is a home for fans of the Che Guevara image, and anyone can send in photos from around the world. It was started by two women who were on an educational exchange in Cuba. During that time, they found that the island was peppered with Guevara images. The postings caught their fancy, and they continued to pass photos of him long after their trip ended. Now they have put together a grand collection of Guevara photos, a roving image whose presence they compare to that of Coca-Cola. The site is humorous, fun, and I’m willing to bet that if you see a Guevara image on your next trip, you’ll remember this site and be tempted to turn yours in, whether you see Guevara on a protester’s T-shirt in Hong Kong or on a full-costume performance artist in Barcelona, Spain.

What’s not: If you go to the “spottings” page to look for photos, you get thumbnails with nondescript titles such as “Che Spotting #3.” It’d be so much cooler if we walked right into a slide show of big pictures or bigger thumbnails with locations in the header. As it stands, we have to click the thumbnail to get to the bigger photo, description and review of the Guevara spotting. I turned to the tags on the left side of the spottings page to view Guevara photos by theme or destination. It’s obvious the site will become even more fun as the offerings increase.


-- Jen Leo
