
Will plot to kill Hitler succeed?


United Artists, $29.98/$34.98; Blu-ray, $39.99

Despite all the controversy surrounding the Tom Cruise vehicle “Valkyrie,” the movie itself is a solid entertainment, turning the real-life story of a 1944 plot to kill Adolf Hitler into a thriller so compelling that audiences might wonder whether it’ll have a surprise ending. Cruise is a steady presence as coup-plotter Claus von Stauffenberg and is well supported by director Bryan Singer, who gives the movie a crisp, vivid look. The double-disc DVD and Blu-ray editions of “Valkyrie” add dual commentary tracks -- a production-oriented one with Singer, Cruise and screenwriter Christopher McQuarrie, and a more history-minded one with McQuarrie and his co-writer, Nathan Alexander -- as well as two informative featurettes.



Weinstein, $19.98

“Fanboys” follows a tight-knit band of geeks in 1998 as they plot to travel cross country to break into George Lucas’ Skywalker Ranch and sneak a peak at “Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace” before one of their friends succumbs to cancer. The movie’s a total trifle but worth watching for the knowing tone and the performances, particularly by Kristen Bell as a woman whose nerdy obsessions are getting in the way of her love life, and Jay Baruchel as the sweet guy who loves her like a sister. The DVD contains a very funny commentary track by the cast.


My Bloody Valentine (2009)

Lionsgate, $29.95/$34.98; Blu-ray, $39.99

The latest in a series of updated 1980s horror films, “My Bloody Valentine” offers as much pleasure as an implausible movie about a pickax-wielding serial killer can, largely because of the 3-D effects. It plays less thrillingly on a TV screen -- even with the cheap 3-D glasses -- yet in a way, the movie’s slick, shock-a-minute bombast represents this era of popcorn fare as respectably as the clunky original repped 1981. In addition to containing the 2-D and 3-D versions, the “My Bloody Valentine” double-disc DVD and Blu-ray sets each sport deleted scenes, a gag reel, a commentary track and two featurettes.



Paul Blart: Mall Cop

Sony, $28.96; Blu-ray, $39.95

“The King of Queens” star Kevin James is oddly sympathetic as a Segway-bound retail peacekeeper in “Paul Blart: Mall Cop.” Although the movie retreats to the blandly goofy and predictable -- especially once the hero’s territory is invaded by skateboarding hostage-takers -- James’ TV-friendly sensibility still goes down easy. The DVD and Blu-ray include a commentary track by James and director Steve Carr, along with a set of featurettes that detail how much thought and effort went into such a light little movie. The discs also come with a coupon for a free Cinnabon cinnamon roll. No joke.


True Blood

The Complete First Season

HBO, $59.99; Blu-ray, $79.98

America’s fascination with all things vampire buoyed the “Twilight” franchise last year, and also boosted the HBO series “True Blood,” which gained in viewership from its debut to its first-season finale. Over the course of 12 episodes, creator Alan Ball -- adapting Charlaine Harris’ series of novels -- mapped out the fictional Louisiana town of Bon Temps, where a subculture of vampires lives uneasily alongside humans, and a local outsider (played by Anna Paquin) finds herself more drawn to the problems of the night stalkers than to those of her own kind. Arriving a few weeks before the second-season premiere, the DVD and Blu-ray sets are decked-out with a featurette and selected episode commentaries.


All titles available Tuesday.
