
Cheney’s legacy

Re “Cheney sides with Limbaugh,” May 11

I used to think of Dick Cheney as a snake -- my apologies to all serpents. Now he just reminds me of a worm -- a big, fat nightcrawler squirming on the end of a fishhook. Our former vice president is wiggling all over the place, hoping to distract us from seeing him at the top of the torture pyramid.

Cheney has granted several interviews to media hosts, all trumpeting the same message. He claims that President Obama is risking the lives of thousands of Americans by outlawing torture.

But this time, repetition won’t substitute for truth, and peddling fear won’t scare us into acceptance. Cheney broke the law.


Even if he is not brought to justice for it, all of his memoirs will be shelved with the horror genre.

Adele E. Zimmermann

Embudo, N.M.


As the saying goes, when you’re already in a hole, stop digging. By all calculations, Cheney should be in China by now.

Frances Terrell Lippman

Sherman Oaks


Last week, Cheney said that he would choose Rush Limbaugh over Colin Powell when it comes to the future vision of the Republican Party. George W. Bush and Cheney did such a good job of destroying the Republican Party that, as a Democrat, I have encouraged Republicans to listen to Cheney.


In a party in which failure is considered to be the new success, I wish Cheney all the success he deserves.

Marc Perkel

San Bruno
