

Firefighters Thursday mopped up the remains of the 10-day-old Jesusita fire in Santa Barbara, calling it 90% contained.

All evacuation orders and warnings related to the fire have been lifted after a return of warm winds failed to reignite still-smoldering embers and hot spots, an official said.

“It’s been wind-tested,” said John Jayasinghe, a spokesman for Santa Barbara County. “Everyone’s happy around here.” More than 2,700 fire personnel are still on the scene, cutting a wide swath around the 8,733-acre burn area and dousing whatever hot spots remain.


More than 30,000 Santa Barbara residents were evacuated from their homes at the height of the wildfire. After further assessment, officials said 80 homes had been destroyed and 15 damaged. An additional 81 outbuildings and one commercial property also have been destroyed or damaged.

Officials believe the fire was sparked May 5 by someone using power tools on the Jesusita Trail in the Santa Barbara foothills. Anyone with information is asked to call (805) 686-5074.

-- Catherine Saillant
