
Where’s the money?

Re “State could run out of cash by July,” May 8

Of course most of the propositions are trailing in the polls. We have created a completely inept Legislature through term limits and by requiring a two-thirds vote on budget matters.

How can we expect anything to get done when we automatically drum out those with the most experience legislating, and then require the novices with something to prove to come to a two-thirds consensus?

I offer three propositions for the next ballot that would require one paragraph of reading for Californians:


Proposition 1G: Abolish the term-limit law: If you don’t like your representative, there is a voting booth where one can end a representative’s term.

Proposition 1H: Abolish the two-thirds rule on budget matters. Why let a super-minority dictate our financial future?

Proposition 1I: Provide a 10-year moratorium on any initiative/referendum offered that would require the state to issue bonds or spend money, thereby allowing the Legislature to do its job without interference from an ill-informed (or disinformed, in most cases) public.


Jeff de Lapp

Laguna Beach


Two articles in The Times sort of tell the story, don’t they? The governor tells Californians that if they don’t pass his package of propositions, he’ll start shutting prisons, schools and fire stations. Trust me, he says, these propositions are in your best interest. But then, in another article, we learn that the major financial supporters of the governor’s plans are oil and gas companies, alcohol and tobacco and other corporate interests that are trying to fend off higher taxes for themselves.

So what’s the story?

Gloria J. Richards

Simi Valley
