

Re “LAPD officers’ dressing time is on the clock, judge rules,” May 8

I’m baffled by some of the stories in last week’s paper that document people’s sense of entitlement and unwillingness to pay for what they want or think they deserve.

Police want to be paid for the five to 15 minutes it takes to put on and take off their uniforms -- let the city pay. Motorcyclists don’t want or think they should pay for smog checks -- let the car owners pay.

A family that makes $140,000 a year doesn’t want to pay to send their daughter to USC -- let the university give her what they think she deserves in financial aid.


Students don’t want to pay an increase in undergraduate fees -- let taxpayers pay. Taxpayers don’t want to approve some propositions that would take money from programs they like -- let someone, anyone else, pay.

The only logical suggestion I’ve seen is to commute the sentences and deport the 19,000 illegal immigrants in our state prisons -- let Mexico pay.

Bonnie Owen

Marina del Rey


What’s next for the LAPD? Pay for the time spent shopping for uniforms? How about time spent to and from the dry cleaners? And don’t forget time spent buying shoe polish and shining shoes.


And of course, since standards require it, compensation for haircuts, shaving and showering time seems reasonable.

And while we’re at it, let’s pay them for driving time to and from work.

Jim Shade

West Covina

The writer is a retired police officer.


So now, female administrative assistants can do their makeup on the clock too, and driving will become so much safer.

Susanne Spira

Beverly Hills
