
Weekend box-office results

Sales in the U.S. and Canada:

Note: A movie may be shown on more than one screen at each theater.

Source: Media by Numbers

*--* -- Movie 3-day gross Venues Average Weeks Total (studio) (milli -- per venue -- (millions) ons) 1 X-Men $85.1 4,099 $20,751 1 $85.1 Origin s: Wolver ine -- (Fox) 2 Ghosts $15.4 3,175 $4,854 1 $15.4 of Girlfr iends Past -- (Warne r) 3 Obsess $12.1 2,514 $4,794 2 $46.9 ed -- (Sony/ Screen Gems) 4 17 $6.4 3,255 $1,954 3 $48.5 Again (Warne r) 5 Monste $5.8 2,626 $2,210 6 $182.4 rs vs. Aliens -- (Param ount/D reamWo rks) 6 The $5.7 2,033 $2,781 2 $18.2 Solois t -- (Param ount) 7 Earth $4.3 1,804 $2,406 2 $22.0 -- (Disne y) 8 Hannah $4.2 2,819 $1,477 4 $70.9 Montan a: The Movie -- (Disne y) 9 Fighti $4.0 2,312 $1,735 2 $17.3 ng -- (Unive rsal) 10 State $3.7 2,445 $1,520 3 $30.9 of Play -- (Unive rsal) 11 Fast $2.8 2,547 $1,085 5 $149.8 & Furiou s -- (Unive rsal) 12 Battle $1.1 1,160 $933 1 $1.1 for Terra (3-D) -- (Roads ide) *--*
