
Dubious moral high ground

Re “Abortion foe goes undercover,” April 26

Abortion foe Lila Rose deserves credit for exposing the failure of some Planned Parenthood staff to report instances of statutory rape, such as the hypothetical example of a 13-year-old girl pregnant by a 31-year-old man.

But I’m more troubled by what her position implies: that she believes it would be better for the 13-year-old to skip the abortion and carry the pregnancy to term.

Gerard Raether

Los Angeles


So, Rose lies about her identity, lies about her objectives, then lies about -- excuse me, edits -- the results for YouTube.


Rose (if that’s her real name) attended the Leadership Institute to “polish [her] communication skills.” Apparently she learned plenty. I suppose I should be glad that she’s not bombing Planned Parenthood offices. But if this creature believes she’s occupying a moral high ground, she’s lying to herself as well.

Bryan Smith

West Hollywood


I am heartened that The Times published the article about Rose. The more that the truth is publicized, the fewer abortions there will be.

Thomas F. Brands

Los Angeles


Your article did not fully convey Planned Parenthood’s commitment to the health and safety of teens and young adults.


That commitment is unwavering. We maintain strict policies to ensure a high standard of healthcare for everyone we serve. All health center staff who interact with patients are trained on federal, state and local laws and regulations that govern service to minors, as well as on our procedures that ensure we are in compliance. It is our goal for every employee and volunteer to strictly follow these polices and procedures.

In a few isolated cases, Planned Parenthood has determined that an employee has not met our standards, and we’ve taken immediate corrective action.

As part of our ongoing commitment to protect teens, Planned Parenthood encourages parent-teen communication and works with law enforcement and adolescent safety agencies to prevent and respond to abuse. Planned Parenthood’s priority is our patients’ health and safety.


Laurie Rubiner


The writer is vice president for public policy and advocacy for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
