
Appalling conditions

Re “Landlord lives above rules and regulations,” April 26

The appalling housing conditions outlined in The Times’ front-page article are inconceivable, and the question remains as to why no Los Angeles municipal agency has been able to significantly change matters.

That more than 8,000 human beings are living like this in a major American city defies belief. This “slumlord,” Frank McHugh, 84, of Marina del Rey, seems to have successfully scammed the system for more than 50 years -- all on the backs of the poor.

Adding to the horror are statements to The Times by McHugh’s lawyer. Conveniently using the old trick of blaming the victim, he calls for sympathy for “an old man.” Some defense.


My question is, who’s being paid off to allow this situation to exist?

Anita C. Singer

Laguna Woods
