
Clearing the air over trucking

Re “The road we’re on,” Letters, April 28

This letter is only the latest among hundreds of misrepresentations spewed by supporters of the ban on independent owner-operators from the Port of Los Angeles and other illegal and unconstitutional parts of the Los Angeles and Long Beach Port Concession Plans.

Referring to the American Trucking Assns., Martin Schlageter of the Coalition for Clean Air wrote that “industry lawyers want an injunction that would allow the dirtiest of trucks back into service.”

The ATA has never asked any court to repeal any part of the clean-truck programs of Los Angeles or Long Beach. The ATA has supported requirements that ban older trucks, container fees that finance new trucks, and the truck registry needed to keep older trucks out of the ports.


The ATA has opposed only illegal and unconstitutional requirements of the Port Concession Plans, most of which have already been struck down by the U.S. District Court.

Clayton W. Boyce

Arlington, Va.

The writer is vice president of public affairs for the American Trucking Assns.
