

Today: DVDs and games

DVD sales

Top-selling movies

of the week

1 Notorious


2 The Wrestler


3 Twilight


4 The Spirit


5 The Day the Earth

Stood Still (Fox)


DVD rentals

Most-rented movies

of the week

1 The Wrestler


2 Yes Man

(Warner Bros.)

3 The Day the Earth

Stood Still (Fox)

4 Bedtime Stories


5 Marley & Me



Video games

Most-rented games

of the week (with

console, publisher)

1 Godfather II

(Xbox 360, EA Games)

2 Resident Evil 5

(Xbox 360, Capcom)

3 Call of Duty: World

at War

(Xbox 360, Activision)

4 Halo Wars

(Xbox 360, Microsoft)

5 Wheelman

(Xbox 360, Midway Games)

Source: Rentrak
