
Guns and fear

Re “Aiming for trouble,” editorial, March 3

Since many studies show that even the least restrictive concealed-weapons permitting laws do not result in increased crime rates, I cannot imagine any less “obvious” impacts of allowing concealed-weapons permit holders to carry firearms in national parks than the ones mentioned in your editorial.

Why would otherwise law-abiding citizens risk getting their permits revoked by taking up target practice on ancient petroglyphs? Why would rangers have to deal with more “armed and dangerous” visitors when people who are legally allowed to carry firearms in shopping malls, grocery stores and at kids’ soccer games are also allowed to bring firearms to national parks?

Your stance is not borne out by the facts or common sense and is nothing less than irrational scaremongering.


Mark Moore

Newbury Park


One has to ask what motivates these NRA guys to see a criminal in every hallway and more nasty guys in the national parks. I say they should “man up” like the rest of us who go about our daily lives without carrying concealed weapons. If anyone should be afraid, it is we ordinary citizens who endure those with paranoid fantasies roaming among us with loaded guns hidden somewhere on their bodies.

National parks? Bad guys camping? Really. It is so ludicrous that were I not sure that they have a real, honest fear, I’d find it laughable.

Patrick O’Brien

Mammoth Lakes
