

Re: “AIG may get $30 billion in federal aid,” March 2:

I hope that all Americans are aware that they have become part of the investor class, courtesy of our federal government.

With the most recent public “contribution” of $30 billion to stem its massive losses, one company, American International Group, will have received a staggering $180 billion of our money, or about $600 for every man, woman and child in the country. Even those who have nothing to invest are forced to bolster AIG on the faint hope that our “investment” will someday yield dividends and because Barack Obama and his Treasury Department say that it is the right thing to do.

I hope that Obama can explain why hardworking middle-class Americans, who have little to show for their labors, should have any faith in their government when the little guy always loses.


Oren M. Spiegler

Upper Saint Clair, Pa.
