
Domestic terrorism

Re “Museum shooting suspect no stranger,” June 11

Remember the recent report from Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano about possible danger from domestic terrorism? It warned of possible violence from right-wing extremists dedicated to single issues. The right-wing spin machine chattered about it for days.

Then came the murder of Dr. George Tiller in Kansas, and now a “longtime white supremacist and anti-Semite” apparently shoots up the Holocaust museum.

Extremist voices on the right aid and abet these acts of terror. They are hurting our society’s civility and humanity. Most of us are willing to join President Obama in searching for common ground, even on the most divisive issues.


Isn’t it time to put these dangerous, extremist windbags back out on the margins where they belong?

Neil Reichline


OK, all you 2nd Amendment supporters, how do you justify allowing a convicted felon like James von Brunn to acquire or possess guns? There’s no way you can describe this guy as a law-abiding citizen exercising his constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Richard Schmittdiel



Domestic terrorism may very well cause our great country to implode just as we are regaining our prominence on the world stage.


Edna M. Tobias

Hermosa Beach


I have read and watched the coverage of the shooting at the Holocaust museum. Again, as I did over the senseless murder of George Tiller in Kansas, I struggle with the callousness of man to one another because of ideology.

At what price is America willing to give these criminals the same rights as law-abiding citizens?

Russell J. Givens Jr.

Los Angeles


The case of the 88-year-old white supremacist who allegedly killed a security guard at the Holocaust museum unfortunately shows that one is never too old to hate and to act out on that hatred.


Kenneth L. Zimmerman

Huntington Beach
