

Re “Liked, Where It Counts Most,” June 29:

In writing about box-office enthusiasm for the latest “Transformers,” John Horn says, “Rarely have critics been more disconnected from what audiences want and love.” The critics didn’t like it.

Well, audiences are not all the same, and I doubt very much whether most of the audiences for “Transformers” read reviews or even newspapers or, in many cases, much of anything.

I “connect” with the rating by Rotten Tomatoes and not with the 27-year-old woman who liked the movie because “it had lots of action” (she especially liked the fight scenes).


Reviewers usually evaluate the quality of films, not the viewers’ tastes. I take Mr. Horn’s article, though, to be a sociological piece on the audience, not a film commentary. But, then, I read newspapers.

David Eggenschwiler

Los Angeles


Another Michael Bay film release almost always guarantees a post-release story showcasing that director’s belief that his work is simply misunderstood by the critical intelligentsia, who don’t know how to have “fun.”

However, this one didn’t end with the usual reference to his supposedly heartfelt desire to direct a smaller, character-driven story.


Maybe Mr. Bay has undergone his own transformation.

P.E. Thomas

Los Angeles
