
Painful preview for the poor

Re “Proposed cuts foretell state’s plight,” Jan. 26

The Times reported Monday that lawmakers have endorsed $6 billion in cuts “that provide a painful preview of what is likely to be in store for Californians.”

Fortunately for me, that is not at all what I found in the article. Despite the fact that I have written my state representatives multiple times suggesting that my wife and I could and should be taxed more than we are, the only cuts mentioned in the article involved transportation, schools, the elderly, the blind, the disabled and centers that help treat disabilities in babies and toddlers.

So, except for a few more potholes, I’m safe. And I’m learning to like it.

Thank goodness for all those no-new-taxes Republicans. I admit that I wrote those foolish letters, but I’ve seen the light. After all, I really didn’t want to skip the concerts and the restaurants.


Thank goodness for the powerless. Thank goodness for the young, the old, the blind and the disabled, for they are the ones to whom the “painful preview” is really addressed.

James Mamer

Modjeska Canyon
