
Police safety is a priority

https://Indent%20OffRe%20”Unstable%20future%2C”%20Jan.%2026Re “LAPD’s priorities,” Letters, Jan. 25

This letter writer shows ignorance of the role of the police when he implies that getting injured is part of the job description.

I’ve been a police officer for more than 35 years. Though it is understood that there is inherent danger in the job, nowhere is it required that an officer is subject to unreasonable risk. For the public to believe that officers are expected to get injured is naive and plain ignorant.


It’s the union’s job to make sure its members are adequately prepared and protected during tactical operations. Police management has the same concerns, along with ensuring public safety.

The fact that an officer was injured at a protest is regrettable. The Police Protective League’s expression of concern is appropriate; it’s not an abdication of its role to provide public safety.

Daniel B. Watson

South Pasadena

The writer is chief of police of South Pasadena.
