
Protect the community

Re “Venice battle rages over people living in vehicles,” Jan. 22

Councilman Bill Rosendahl is sticking it to his constituency in Venice.

His motion, referenced in The Times, is simplistic. He moves to set aside the law prohibiting people from living on public streets in their vehicles. He offers to provide commercial parking lots to recreational vehicle dwellers for overnight parking.

Nowhere is there provision for conditions to protect the health and safety of the community: proof of disposal of biohazardous human waste in a federally approved manner, ensuring absence of drug use and trade. After the early morning, when vehicle dwellers must leave their parking spaces, where will those RVs park during the day?

Rosendahl states, “Let’s stop kidding ourselves.” Yes, instead of setting aside laws created to protect members of a community, he could demonstrate leadership and create a substantial, meaningful approach to caring for the homeless and vagrants.


Carol Bodlander

