
Punch up that workout

Wallack is a fitness writer and the author of "Run for Life: The Anti-Aging, Anti-Injury, Super-Fitness Plan to Keep You Running to 100."

Mixed martial arts, which combines various striking sports with wrestling, is booming these days, eclipsing traditional boxing in popularity. Even noncompetitors are flocking to mixed martial arts gyms for a very good reason: The sport gets you in super shape. Here are some tools to make you fighting trim in your own garage.

-- Roy M. Wallack

Flextrain Commando “fully loaded” training vest

This weighted vest with built-in stretch cords and handles is the first self-contained fight-workout simulator, adding resistance to all arm movements, including punches, push-ups and jumping jacks.

Likes: Highly innovative and effective. You strap on the waist and chest belts, slip your hands into padded handles and start punching. The vest can be used with or without a heavy bag. The adjustable resistance provided by the cords makes for a strenuous, demanding workout that left me drenched after a few minutes and certainly would build speed and power. Adds challenge to many exercises. For example, it turns a simple walking lunge with arm-raise into a hard-core workout. Includes seven levels of resistance and two external pulling tubes for assisted plyo-drills such as running in place. Easily the most original, practical and versatile new product I’ve seen in years. Includes an instructional DVD and 10 pounds of soft weight pouches, with space for 10 more pounds.


Dislikes: None

Price: $209.95 ($199 for the non-camo Ultimate Extreme model). (310) 955-0515;


Century Sparring BOB (body opponent bag)

Base- and pole-mounted heavy punching bag with soft rubberized skin over urethane foam that is shaped like a human torso and head, complete with flattened boxer’s nose.

Likes: It’s highly motivating to punch a form that looks and feels human. Bob has seven height adjustments from 60 inches to 78 inches; just twist the pole, turn and slightly pull up. The base is filled with 270 pounds of water or sand.


Dislikes: Bob moves too much. After 30 seconds of punching, the fully filled base had slid forward 6 inches. After 60 seconds of heavy punching, I’d pushed it a foot.

Price: $249 (Bob XL, including shorts, $299). (800) 626-2787; www.centurymartial


Everlast High Performance Hook and Loop Training Gloves

Well-padded synthetic leather boxing gloves with Velcro wrist closure.

Likes: Two-layer foam provides good shock absorbency. Thumblok features put your thumb and entire hand in a natural fist position that is safe for hard hitting. Available in 14-, 15- and 16-ounce sizes. Wide (2 1/2 -inch) Velcro closures make gloves fast to put on and secure. A convenient, zippered mesh carrying bag is included.

Dislikes: None

Price: $39.99. (888) 863-8375;


UFC Muay Thai heavy bag

Oversized, 100-pound punching bag (6 feet tall, 13 1/2 inches in diameter), named for the popular Thai martial art, is appropriate for MMA-style hand and foot combat


Likes: The bag’s large hitting surface. The head-to-toe length makes it better for kickboxing practice than standard bags, which are usually a foot or two shorter. The thick polyurethane bag feels like leather. It has a four-part steel chain for hanging and a zip closure on top to allow restuffing when the bag softens up from hits over time.

Dislikes: None

Price: $239.95 (including shipping). (800) 459-1336;


Century heavy bag stand and speed bag platform

Dual-sided bag hanger.

Likes: Eliminates the hassle of drilling holes and hanging a bag from the rafters of your garage, which tends to rattle the house when you punch it. Three-inch-diameter tubing is solid enough to use for pull-ups. Includes a heavy-bag tie-down at the base. At 85 inches high, it accommodates the tallest bags.

Dislikes: You need to weigh down the base with weight plates to add stability. The base legs can get in the way of your feet on the heavy bag side.

Price: $239. (877) 427-8348 or (800) 626-2787; www.century


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