


Inaugural celebrations: Admittedly, we hit the wall with the 24-hour Obama coverage on the news networks this past week, but only the most cynical among us can truly admit to being unmoved. Seriously, most occasions featuring awkward musical medleys with the likes of U2, Bruce Springsteen and Garth Brooks involve award shows and sporting events. It was heartening to see so much fuss about something truly historic.

Indie 103.1: The late, lamented station seemed to have no shortage of fans, but apparently not enough to keep it going. The station wasn’t perfect -- it certainly had a playlist of songs like any other commercial radio outlet, and some of its shows didn’t hit as well as others (“Feel My Heat,” we’re looking in your direction). But we truly didn’t know what we had until it was gone. RIP, Indie. May the Internet be with you.



Crying for ‘Benjamin Button’: We’re big fans of director David Fincher, so we went into this with expectations high. But something in this supposed love story left us wanting. Maybe it’s Brad Pitt’s nonreaction reactions to his life’s events, or the artful visual effects overshadowing any of the film’s occasional signs of life. In the end, we were most depressed about having spent our whole night in an under-stuffed theater seat.


Jon Bon Jovi: We’re not out to alienate any Jersey transplants out there, but when did this former hair-band frontman become a soul singer? An R&B; legend like Bettye LaVette is belting out “A Change Is Gonna Come” at the “We Are One” inauguration concert last weekend, and Bon Jovi is considered a suitable duet partner? Let Jon sing from “Slippery When Wet” -- we like him there. But Sam Cooke isn’t his comfort zone.
