

Richard Abowitz asks, “What makes Vegas so special?” since gambling is virtually everywhere these days (“Get Rid of the Ho-Hum Headliners,” Jan. 18). He goes on to say that nice hotel rooms are prevalent, fine dining is not limited to Vegas, and shopping is everywhere. What’s left is the claim of Vegas being the Entertainment Capital of the World, but is it? Big names come and go as do good and bad times. Unfortunately, the bad times are with us right now.

According to Abowitz, the way to draw people back to Vegas is to bring back big-name headliners that appear only in Vegas. He cites the example of the Cirque’s “Love” with the Beatles’ music acting as a magnet to draw people there. I love the Beatles’ music but would think twice about driving out to the middle of the desert just to hear it. Another way to clarify this is to ask people, would they make the drive to hear the Beatles if there wasn’t one slot machine, blackjack table or craps table in the entire city?

It’s not just the big names, the shopping, the fine dining and the gambling that have enticed people for so many years. I think it is the idea of what Vegas has to offer as far as unlimited fun for adults that includes 24/7-type of nonstop possibilities limited only to one’s imagination and pocketbook.


Like Abowitz says, “Vegas is an empty desert meant for people to come and behave irresponsibly with their money.”

Bill Spilanick

Newport Beach
