
Hand-wringing from all around the Web

Who got snubbed? What were the glaring omissions? And where did the academy miss the mark? Readers weighed in on Oscar’s oversights at’s message board:

“While I didn’t think ‘The Dark Knight’ was the best movie of the year, its placement in more of the Oscars’ top categories would have been deserved. I adore the fact that a film like this is not only fueling the Hollywood economy but is also challenging more blockbusters to be more complex and thought-provoking.”

-- Charles


“Instead of watching the Oscars telecast, rent ‘The Dark Knight’ instead -- there’s power in numbers, and we can show these lame voters that not nominating one of 2008’s BEST films was a mistake.”


-- NW Music Guy


“The snub of Sally Hawkins in Best Actress is one of the most short-sighted, DESPICABLE snubs in the history of Oscar. How AMPAS manages to ignore such brilliant, gorgeously complex performances YEAR after YEAR baffles me.”

-- puxzkkx


“ ‘The Wrestler’ from Bruce Springsteen did not make it to Best Original Song! What is wrong with them! The ‘Slumdog’ songs don’t have the emotional value of that song!”

-- NovicMode


“I can’t believe they snubbed Eastwood in what was one of his greatest performances in a very enjoyable film.”


-- Red Knight


“Winslet is nominated for the wrong ‘role’ . . .”

-- oscarnutien


“I am baffled as to how so many Academy members thought ‘The Reader’ was worth nominating for BP over the dozen or so more qualified (better) films. Heck, even if I saw only one film last year and that film was ‘The Reader,’ I still would not have nominated it for BP. The film is simply horrible.”

-- LonePirate


“Nice to see Mickey Rourke on there, but ‘The Wrestler’ is a hell of a lot better than any of their best picture nominees. ‘Frost/Nixon’? ‘The Reader’? Is this an award for great filmmaking or the IMPORTANT STORY FROM HISTORY award?”

-- Cisco007


“No Eastwood makes me happy, but no DiCaprio tears me up a bit.”

-- Dr. McPhearson


“In the end, the Academy blew it, picking the stuffy, insufficient Holocaust movie instead of the great superhero movie, ‘The Dark Knight,’ or the great animated film, ‘WALL-E.’ ”


-- 742
