
The bucks stop

Re “Controller ‘pulls trigger,’ suspends state tax refunds,” Jan. 17, and “Gov. says budget is No. 1 goal,” Jan. 16

Can I charge the state of California penalties for its late payment of my tax refund?

My family also has budget problems, so I would like to suspend all state tax payments at this time and offer an IOU that is free of interest and penalties.

When my wife and I decide how to solve our budget problem, I would be happy to send what we owe in taxes.


Steve Shaevel

Woodland Hills


So California Controller John Chiang has decided to suspend state tax refunds.

I have a thought: When filling out 2008 state tax forms in the coming weeks, those who are owed a refund should simply apply the refund to the state taxes for 2009. Then adjust deductions for 2009 so that no state tax is withheld. If the controller wants to issue IOUs in lieu of refund payments, taxpayers should turn around and use those same IOUs to pay their state income tax for 2009.

William S. LaSor

Apple Valley


It is interesting to see the state cutting tax refunds, disability services, aid to the elderly and social services, after having read the previous day that some legislators responded with “a few chuckles” at the governor’s suggestion during his State of the State address that they cut their own compensation.

I also wonder how many earmarked projects are not being considered in this current budget review?


Robert Chickering

Laguna Beach
