

Hollywood inventiveness strikes again [“Heroes for Our Fraudulent Times” by Mary McNamara, Jan. 11]. Fox’s new show, “Lie to Me,” is about Dr. Cal Lightman, an investigator who can read people’s facial expressions, voice inflections, posture, etc., to determine if they’re telling the truth.

My “Montezuma Strip” series, beginning with the story “Sanctuary,” written in 1987 (and filmed for the opening episode of the SF Channel series “Welcome to Paradox”), is about the intuit Angel Cardenas, an investigator who can read people’s facial expressions, voice inflections, posture, etc., to determine if they’re telling the truth. Producer William McCutchen and I pitched the idea (based on my novel “The Mocking Program”) to Universal years ago, but they passed on it.

By way of further coincidence, I am not related to the character in the series, Dr. Gillian Foster. If that’s supposed to be a sly homage of some sort, it fits the business.


Alan Dean Foster

Prescott, Ariz.
