
It’s a bad breakup

“I’m disappointed that’s his decision, because I think there’s a lot of information that says [leaving early] is not going to help him out as much as he thinks,” said USC Coach Pete Carroll.

The quote was not about Mark Sanchez, it was about USC All-American wide receiver Mike Williams on Feb. 26, 2004, in a Los Angeles Times article. Williams went against Pete Carroll’s advice and now he is out of the NFL.

Pete Carroll wants only the best for his players and their families.

Asad Akmal, Torrance


If you treat a mere football coach like a god, he is bound to become an egomaniac. This would seem to explain the disgusting behavior of Pete Carroll at the Sanchez news conference. He could easily have conveyed his disagreement with Sanchez’s decision to turn pro without petulantly trashing his skills in front of the public, and more important, all of the owners, GMs, and coaches from the NFL. What a guy!


Alan Abajian

Alta Loma


Dear Mark Sanchez,

Congratulations on a great year as USC quarterback and more important for graduating college this spring. You honor the meaning of the term student-athlete.

Dear Pete Carroll,

May I suggest you turn to one of the greatest coaches of all time, John Wooden, who has said that the most important aspect of college coaching is teaching. Cajoling Matt Leinart into postponing graduation by taking an extra year of ballroom dancing and thereby causing his NFL value to decline, but chastising Mark Sanchez for deciding to graduate and get on with his career is hardly the mark of a great teacher.

Mark Greenfield

Los Angeles


Everyone was probably surprised at Pete Carroll’s reaction to the decision by Mark Sanchez to turn pro, but come on, give him his mulligan. Carroll has never showed anything but class in his entire time here with the Trojans and the entire community is lucky to have him. This emotional slip-up should not be blown out of proportion.


Eric Parker



Pete Carroll’s standoffishness toward Mark Sanchez at Thursday’s news conference seemed like his USC offense is inheriting UCLA’s quarterbacks next season, not the Trojans’.

Mark J. Featherstone

Windsor Hills


Please have Bill Plaschke let me know when his coaching record is 88-15.

William Stringfield

Long Beach


Hey, Pete. Why don’t you go back to the NFL and show Mark Sanchez how difficult it is to win when you’re not ready?

Jack Kenna



Another over-hyped, marginally skilled USC quarterback is set to make millions as a career clipboard magnet after getting pummeled, chewed up and spit out by NFL defenses. Who says student-athletes don’t get a proper education?


Pete Russo

San Clemente


Suggestion to Pete Carroll. Don’t get up at your son’s wedding and announce to the guests that you think he’s making a big mistake. I’m just saying.

George Pisano

Rancho Palos Verdes
