
Small hospital’s future becomes a big deal

Previously, Out There visited Barlow Respiratory Hospital, which has operated for more than a century, little noticed by the outside world and hidden away near Dodger Stadium. Big changes are afoot; the hospital is leading an effort to redevelop its 25-acre campus. Since the campus is just two miles north of downtown Los Angeles, that represents a big opportunity -- but, judging by reader response, one that will generate no small amount of passion and debate.

“Barlow has led an existence as idyllic as its site. It is a small facility that is able to make do on its endowment. It does little fundraising or public relations. They do important work in America’s most media savvy city, yet few Angelenos know of their existence. After years of doing little to raise its profile, Barlow has bet its autonomy on a radical re-entitling of their campus.”

-- Barlow Watcher


“Some portions of Barlow Hospital look really old, but the actual hospital part is good. My mother was recently a patient at Barlow, and I have nothing but compliments and praise for the staff and doctors. It’s a small hospital, but the personal care given is remarkable. I hope everything that can be done will be done to keep the hospital open.”


-- Denise Johnson


“Barlow should be shut down. . . . The entire property should be razed. . . . Close the entire hospital, and start over, I say.”

-- Ladylion
