

Re “Behind the lines with the Taliban,” Jan. 11

Afghans call us “heathen foreign occupiers.”

That ought to give U.S. policymakers pause in planning to send another 20,000-plus military fighters into Afghanistan.

The waste in manpower, materiel and money that is being documented in news reports is staggering.

This renewed U.S. campaign in a territory so far away geographically and culturally is horrible and shocking.


It is another quagmire; will we never learn?

Frances Spielberg

Pacific Palisades


The Taliban are fanatical, murderous, uncompromising aggressors. They are unforgiving, misogynist, intolerant racists. They hate and are actively killing Christians and Jews. They plan to kill those who won’t convert to Islam.

“Gracious hosts” they are not!

They used Watson as a propaganda pawn.

Richard H. Steip

