
The Bush legacy

Re “Judging Bush,” Jan. 4

For me, it can be summed up very simply: The Bush administration began by giving each taxpaying citizen a $300 to $600 tax refund and ended by spending $700 billion on a “bailout” to a select group of financial and other institutions.

Mashey Bernstein

Santa Barbara


President Bush and his administration did great things for some, especially in the fight against AIDS.

Unfortunately, his good deeds pale mightily against his decision to go back to Iraq, to have a legacy like his father. If Bush could have seen the future, he would have known it was wrong.


Instead, he now has thousands of lives on his resume.

Gregg Freeman

Thousand Oaks


I am old enough to have voted in 15 presidential elections, and it was with great relief that I voted you, George W. Bush, and your administration out of office.

Having promised “compassion” at your inauguration, you instead caused the people of our country and the world sorrow and suffering. You have broken the laws of our Constitution.

May a troubled conscience follow you for the rest of your life, having demeaned our highest office, brought two wars and used your executive powers to further an administration that has ignored the people’s best interests -- environmentally, financially, religiously and socially.


As you clean out your desk, take with you the fear, the harm, the cruelty, the ignorance and the indifference with which you conducted your position as 43rd.

Hilda Lerner

