
In search of a mayor

Re “Reelect Villaraigosa,” editorial, Feb. 21

Did I miss something? I read The Times’ endorsement of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa twice to try to get your point.

The accomplishments The Times desperately touts are the least we expect from a mayor. Keeping a good police chief and replacing a fire chief are not noteworthy but rather typical and expected. The billions-of-dollars “subway to the sea” makes you wonder if there is any modern thinking at City Hall at all.

Los Angeles needs and deserves better.

Manny Rodriguez

West Hollywood


The fact that Villaraigosa will not rule out a run to be California governor means that he absolutely intends to run for that office.


When he was my city council member, he promised his constituents that the position was not a mere steppingstone to higher office and that he would finish his term. However, as soon as he smelled a better opportunity with a vulnerable Mayor James K. Hahn, he was out the door.

We need a mayor who is fully committed to Los Angeles. Unfortunately, Antonio Villaraigosa is completely and passionately committed to only one thing -- Antonio Villaraigosa.

Jeffrey Stewart

Eagle Rock
