
Down to the bare walls at Macy’s, Circuit City

Closeout sales are reaching their final days at Circuit City locations and the Macy’s store in the 7+Fig shopping center in downtown Los Angeles.

Few items remained at the Circuit City in Hollywood on Tuesday, where huge posters announcing “Everything must go!” and “Nothing held back!” hung from the ceiling and walls. Sections of the store were empty and blocked off by yellow caution tape, opened boxes were strewn about and the few display televisions left in the store were turned off.

Merchandise was marked down 30% to 60%, with many of the big-ticket electronics such as flat-screen TVs and car stereos getting the 30%-off treatment and less expensive items such as cables and CDs carrying higher discounts.


“The first impression when you walk in is that it’s pretty picked over,” said Colin Hutchings, 27, who was checking out digital frames that were discounted 50%. “It’s kind of hard to tell what you’re looking at.”

Circuit City, previously the nation’s second-largest consumer electronics chain, announced in January that it would shutter all 567 U.S. stores after filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in November. Liquidators said last month that stores would close by the end of March, and that markdowns could become as steep as 90% in the final days.

At the Macy’s at 7+Fig on Tuesday, merchandise was marked down 60% to 80% off the lowest ticketed price. The store, scheduled to close March 5, is one of 11 underperforming locations that Macy’s decided last month to shut. It’s the only one in California set to close.


Discounts included 75% off rugs, 60% to 70% off sheet sets and duvet covers and 60% off most men’s and women’s apparel. In typical liquidation fashion, the store also was selling its furniture and fixtures, including cashier stands, glass jewelry display cases and mannequins.

Shopper Kathy Religioso, 50, said she was sorry to see the store close. The department-store chain has a location just down the street in Macy’s Plaza that will remain open.

“I’m just sad that it’s leaving -- it used to be my favorite place to spend my lunch,” Religioso, of Santa Clarita, said. “Now I just have to walk a block away, but still.”



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