
Views of Rancho Palos Verdes

Re “They won’t leaf well enough alone,” Jan. 31

The Times only exposed the tip of the iceberg that has made Rancho Palos Verdes a national joke.

This city is most noted for lawsuits. It has fought Donald Trump over a flagpole, ficus trees and his resort’s street name -- and he has now filed a $100-million lawsuit against the city. In another recent case, a group of landowners proved to the state Court of Appeal that they had been denied their private-property rights when Rancho Palos Verdes would not allow them to build on their land.

Your article should have noted the appearance last year of former Mayor Doug Stern on “The Colbert Report” regarding the Trump flagpole flap -- a perfect caricature of Rancho Palos Verdes.


D.F. Reeves

Rancho Palos Verdes


Trees and the coastline don’t go well together. I love both, but one does offset the other.

Rancho Palos Verdes is unique because you can see the whole coastline. It offers an invigorating experience.

Our natural assets belong to all of us. Even the tycoon Donald Trump had to cut down a row of trees blocking the view in Rancho Palos Verdes. I have met tourists and Angelenos who escape narrow streets and traffic to feel free and happy here, driving this stretch of coastal beauty.


Thanks to the city of Rancho Palos Verdes for protecting and preserving it for all of us.

Anita Lutt

Huntington Park
