

In Mark Vanhoenacker’s article on the View Hotel in Monument Valley, Utah [“Majestic Sleepover,” March 29], he wrote of the majestic Grand Canyon and its access through Flagstaff, Ariz. But he did not include the most beautiful way to travel there: Amtrak. Please include train travel in your “If you go” section.

Nicholas Simon

Studio City


Alcohol is banned by the Navajo Nation, as Vanhoenacker wrote in his article. Doesn’t he think it’s disrespectful to even think about bringing it in? As a non-drinker, I surely do. It is banned there for a reason. Alcoholism is quite a problem among our Native peoples. Using discretion is fine, but how about telling readers to leave the booze out of the park?

Dominic W. Smith



We read with great interest the article on Monument Valley because we have planned a trip through the Southwest in September and had already booked at Goulding’s Lodge. Goulding’s is charging us $117 (including taxes) a night. When I called the View, the cheapest room they could offer was $250 (without taxes). The cheapest rate on the Internet for the same time period was $430 a night (without taxes). It seems to me that the View is charging whatever it can.


Laurie Guitteau

Santa Barbara
