
Honesty and politics

Re “Edwards’ machine rolls across Iowa,” Sept. 30

If Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards has “the deepest political organization in the state,” perhaps it is because he has dedicated grass-roots citizens who are working hard to get his message to the people of Iowa. His message may have the most merit of any of the candidates: trying to lift people from poverty, rebuilding the middle class, speaking for the people without a voice and standing on the side of justice. It is how he has led his life.

I know a lot of people cannot imagine a politician who truly speaks from the heart, but I can. A person who is going through such deep personal tragedy finds it very liberating: It gives you the courage to do the right thing, not the expedient or popular thing. And the reason he has such a dedicated group of people working for him is that they see the real deal.

Honesty in a politician? Heaven forbid.

Gay Lannon

Sherman Oaks


The article questions whether Edwards’ “rich-guy image may trip him up.” Edwards is a self-made man from a small town. He only has a “rich-guy image” if the media keep pushing this hackneyed narrative. As for Edwards’ “widely derided” haircut -- this is a self-perpetuating story on the part of lazy political writers. How much does Rudy Giuliani spend on his suits? Why can’t the media focus on the major issues confronting this country rather than such trivialities?


Todd Calvin

Los Angeles


I beg to differ with Edwards when he says, “No child ever learned anything by taking a test.” Any educator who doesn’t know that a test is a teaching tool is missing something big. As for his comparing hogs with humans, he may be on to something there.

Jules Brenner

